March 17, 2012

I've found that man.

Hello bloggers. This is my first post in March. Time goes so fast right? Usually people will make hopes list each month. And so do I. I have a lot. I just want to tell you the outline "Hope everything goes more better" for the detail I'll keep it by my self. I want to share my thoughts about love. What is love? Hard to find the right explanation for love. As I know, Love is the best gift from God, isn't? Love is a kind of feeling that we can feel, we can share, to anyone. Furthermore, love is about accepting flaws. I've learned a lot about it trust me. And I don't want to do the same mistake. Oh Jesus Christ, I deserve better. Special thank to my ex's, you guys taught me a lot, how to be a strong woman, independent, and loveable person hahaha. I've finally found someone, who loves me unconditionaly, protect me, and I feel safe when he's around. I really love his maturity, his thoughts, smell of his perfume, his smile & sound of his laugh, the way he talks, the way he sees me, his voice, when he said I'm beautiful without any make up on, our silly conversations, anything, I love it all. He knows how to boost my mood up, how to make me laugh. He remembered all the little things I said in fact I sometimes forgot that I've ever said it. He always there everytime I need him, he waited me for a year, he showed me that I'm worthy to be loved. He opened my mind to think clearly, till I finally realized that yes, he's that man that I've been looking for. For all my dears, God always gives us better, in the right time and in His own way, hold on you just need to be more patient. Ah, we (me & him) have the same dream too, how about to travel the world? One day we will. Amin..

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